You can request a refund if you're not fully satisfied with your purchase. We'll refund the remaining balance of your order, excluding the amount for completed work. Refunds cannot be processed after revisions, but if you have a valid complaint, we'll consider a full refund upon request.
We offer unlimited revisions for free. Charges may apply if the number of pages exceeds a certain limit. To qualify for a free revision, you must request it within a specific timeframe. Once this timeframe passes, it's assumed you're satisfied. Any revision request related to plagiarism must include a detailed report. Revisions are completed within 24 hours as a standard minimum turnaround time.
If you opt for a partial payment plan, we'll deliver half of the work initially. You'll need to pay the remaining amount to receive the complete work
Orders with up to 24 hours urgency: Revisions within 24 hours.
Orders with 24-48 hours urgency: Revisions within 48 hours.
Orders with 48 hours or more urgency: Revisions within 72 hours.